Monday 18 October 2010

"ENCORE" targets a social group that lies between others like "Emos", "Goths" or "Rockers" and "Hippies" or "Groupies" for example. It subverts as social group of mainly females that could belong to any of these sub-cultural groups - but they share the same interest and taste in music.

This image of Taylor Swift from Sugar magazine inspired me to add a fun item into the photograph of my artist. The large crayon is replaced by a cuddley toy. The costume and background colours are simple blacks and whites to make the fun quirky props stand out even more. Both models are looking up through their lashes towards the camera to show that they are innocent, not portraying any sense of threat. I also used similar lighting to produce a dramtic shadowing effect, but instead of the crisp dark line following the outline of the image of Taylor Swift, my image has a blurred shadow creeping in from the edges.

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